Acme Oil Painting
Our brand has a variety of artwork composed with oil, watercolor, graphite, and digital art all created by Timothy Schmidt. Paintings and drawings range from portrait to landscape to still life. Please feel free to browse our gallery and contact us for any questions you may have. Be sure to browse the upcoming events we will be attending. Once again, thank you for visiting Acme Oil Painting.
Acme Oil Painting
Wednesday Addams Watercolor Print

Acme Oil Painting
Skull Mosaic Oil Painting

Oil Paintings
The Flash Oil Painting

Acme Oil Painting
Robin Williams Watercolor Print

Green Skull Oil Painting

The Groom & The Bride Oil Paintings

Acme Oil Painting
Red Skull Oil Painting

Watercolor Paintings
Norm MacDonald Framed Original Watercolor Painting

Graphite Drawings
David Framed Graphite Drawing

Mountain Sunrise
Wave Study Oil Painting

Northern Lights Oil Painting

Digital Art
Crypt Keepers Digital Art

Rainbows Digital Art Prints

News & Social Media
Acme Oil Painting Facebook PageYou can visit, like, and follow us on our Facebook page by clicking the link below for new art and updates!
Acme Oil Painting InstagramVisit our Instagram and follow us to view all artwork or to contact us!
Acme Oil Painting YouTube ChannelVisit and subscribe to our YouTube channel for videos of Acme Oil Painting's artwork!
Upcoming Events
Pancakes & Booze OKC 09.27.24 8 PM